Name my New Perfume!
All orders this month will receive a small sample of the new solid perfume the kitties and I have been working on. It’s a fruity bonbon of blood oranges, black current bud, Tasmanian Boronia, Osmanthus, and resins and fir balsam. My dear friend Lisa gifted me with some rare boronia wax and I was inpired to make something yummy with it. Now it just needs a name!
When you receive your order and the sample, inhale deeply and then email me the name you’d like to give the perfume. I will review all the names after the new year. The winner will receive the new perfume in one of our custom jewel boxes!
I’ve had a few ideas, but haven’t settled on anything. I was listening to “The Soul of an Octopus,” by Sy Montgomery when I was making it and learned how incredibly playful octopuses are. And I think this is a really fun, playful perfume! Octopuses are very playful, but they are not to be messed with. I think those are good traits in life!
Anyway, I want to hear YOUR ideas, my dear Purrfumery friends! It’s been a while since we had a naming contest, so get those creative juices flowing! Thank you for your help.